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This example scans a whole nework range (1-254) searching for ATEM switchers and reads some settings:

$ python3 -h
[Tue Nov 24 22:28:52 2020] PyATEMMax demo script: scan-query
usage: [-h] [-m MIXEFFECT] range

positional arguments:
  range                 IP address range (e.g) 192.168.1

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MIXEFFECT, --mixeffect MIXEFFECT
                        select mix effect (0/1), default 0

It tries to connect to all the addresses in the range, reads a few settings and reports result.

$ python3 192.168.1
[Tue Nov 24 22:30:07 2020] PyATEMMax demo script: scan-query
[Tue Nov 24 22:30:07 2020] Scanning network range 192.168.1.* for ATEM switchers
[Tue Nov 24 22:30:19 2020] ATEM Television Studio HD found at - Master Volume: 0.0dB - PVW: CAM1 - PGM: HPDK
[Tue Nov 24 22:30:33 2020] FINISHED: 1 ATEM switchers found.

Code walkthrough

Start with the usual initial steps (explained in Examples)

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8
""" - PyATEMMax demo script.
   Part of the PyATEMMax library."""

import argparse
import time
import PyATEMMax

print(f"[{time.ctime()}] PyATEMMax demo script: scan-query")

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('range', help='IP address range (e.g) 192.168.1')
parser.add_argument('-m', '--mixeffect', help=f'select mix effect (0/1), default 0', type=int, default=0)
args = parser.parse_args()

print(f"[{time.ctime()}] Scanning network range {args.range}.* for ATEM switchers")

Start working with the switcher:

First, the ATEMMax object is created and the hit count is initialized:

switcher = PyATEMMax.ATEMMax()
count = 0

After that, a loop starts for values (1-254):

for i in range(1,255):
  • The corresponding ip address is built
    ip = f"{args.range}.{i}"
    print(f"[{time.ctime()}] Checking {ip}", end="\r")
  • The script tries to connect to the switcher and shows a message if the connection could be established. See the parameters in waitForConnection()
    • infinite=False means we don’t want to wait forever. The library will use the default wait time.
    • waitForFullHandshake=False means we want to stop waiting as soon as the first message has been received from the switcher (because we’re doing a scan, we just care about connectivity, not data)
    if switcher.waitForConnection(infinite=False, waitForFullHandshake=False):
  • If this first wait succeeds it means we received a response to the initial connection request.
  • At this point we can keep on waiting for the complete reception of the data snapshot from the switcher.
    • infinite=False means we don’t want to wait forever. The library will use the default wait time.
    • waitForFullHandshake is True by default, which means we want to wait until the whole set of switcher settings has been received.
        # If the switcher answered the handshake we can wait a bit longer...
        if switcher.waitForConnection(infinite=False):
  • Once the switcher data has been received, data can be read and displayed
            # Now we have all switcher settings!
            pvw = switcher.previewInput[args.mixeffect].videoSource
            pgm = switcher.programInput[args.mixeffect].videoSource
            pvwName = switcher.inputProperties[pvw].shortName
            pgmName = switcher.inputProperties[pgm].shortName

            print(f"[{time.ctime()}] {switcher.atemModel} found at {ip}"
                    f" - Master Volume: {switcher.audioMixer.master.volume}dB"
                    f" - PVW: {pvwName}"
                    f" - PGM: {pgmName}" )
            count += 1

print(f"[{time.ctime()}] FINISHED: {count} ATEM switchers found.")

Stripped down version

import PyATEMMax

switcher = PyATEMMax.ATEMMax()

for i in range(1,255):
    ip = f"192.168.1.{i}"
    print(f"Checking {ip}", end="\r")

    if switcher.waitForConnection(infinite=False, waitForFullHandshake=False):
        if switcher.waitForConnection(infinite=False):
            pvw = switcher.previewInput[0].videoSource
            pgm = switcher.programInput[0].videoSource
            pvwName = switcher.inputProperties[pvw].shortName
            pgmName = switcher.inputProperties[pgm].shortName

            print(f"{switcher.atemModel} found at {ip}"
                    f" - Master Volume: {switcher.audioMixer.master.volume}dB"
                    f" - PVW: {pvwName}"
                    f" - PGM: {pgmName}" )