The original library code can be found at SKAARHOJ-Open-Engineering GitHub repo.

In the original version, features are split in several libraries (ATEMbase, ATEMext, ATEMmax, ATEMmin, ATEMstd, ATEMuni) as program space is a valuable resource when compiling for Arduino or other MCU platforms.

This library tries to reproduce the features of ATEMmax by translating the original code of ATEMbase and ATEMmax.

  • ATEMbase has been ported as ATEMConnectionManager.
  • ATEMmax has been ported as ATEMMax.

The intention has been to mantain the code as similar to the original as I could, so anybody that has used the original libraries before should be able to use this version with no problems. This has not been always possible due to both differences between C and Python and differences between Arduino and PC (memory limitations, etc). Also, I have to recognize that in a few cases I’ve let myself go and made some change here and there.

Some details:

  • Fixed local port number for UDP connections has been deprecated, so the ported library won’t have it.
  • Renamed connect() as _connect().
  • Renamed begin() as connect().
  • Added disconnect().
  • Added ping().
  • Most getXXX() methods have been omitted in favor of the use of the class members (variables).
  • Known non-implemented protocol commands can be differenced from unknown/malformed commands.
  • Stored information for all 20 cameras in Camera Control instead of 8 in the Arduino version.
  • Python’s logging has been used instead of the original serial output.
  • Protocol definitions have been moved to a new module: ATEMProtocol.
  • Several modules have been added and some have been renamed.
  • Buffer sizes have been increased, as a PC has a lot more of memory and can handle bigger input buffers.
  • Some code related to buffer handling has been adapted.
  • In certain situations the code has been slightly “pythonized” (sometimes keeping the original code structure made things uglier, sometimes it was too easy and cheap to add nice features :).