In order to make it easier to manage the connection with the switcher, you can register event handlers for a few events.

Check the events example to see events in action.

Available events

The list of available events is defined at

  • connectAttempt: a connection/reconnection attempt just started.
  • connect: connection has been established.
  • disconnect: disconnection detected.
  • receive: data command received.
  • warning: warning message received.

Creating a handler

To create an event handler, define a function receiving a single parameter of type Dict:

def onXXX(params):

Event parameters

The params dictionary received will always contain a switcher item, pointing to the ATEMMax object which raised the event. This is useful if you want to share an event handler with multiple ATEMMax instances.

In the case of the receive event, the params dictionary will also include:

  • cmd (str): short name of the received command
  • cmdName (str): long name of the received command

Registering a handler

Use the registerEvent() method before calling connect():

def onConnect(params):
    print(f"Connected to switcher at {params['switcher'].ip}")

switcher = PyATEMMax.ATEMMax()
switcher.registerEvent(, onConnect)