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This script connects to a switcher and changes a few settings at once.

$ python3 -h
[Tue Nov 24 22:36:06 2020] PyATEMMax demo script: change-settings
usage: [-h] [-v MASTERVOLUME] [-w PREVIEW] [-p PROGRAM]
                          [-m MIXEFFECT]

positional arguments:
  ip                    switcher IP address

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        master volume (dB)
  -w PREVIEW, --preview PREVIEW
                        set preview video source
  -p PROGRAM, --program PROGRAM
                        set program video source
  -m MIXEFFECT, --mixeffect MIXEFFECT
                        select mix effect (0/1), default 0
$ python3 -v 1.7 -p 3 -w 2
[Tue Nov 24 22:37:26 2020] PyATEMMax demo script: change-settings
[Tue Nov 24 22:37:26 2020] Changing settings in
[Tue Nov 24 22:37:26 2020] - Master volume: 1.7db
[Tue Nov 24 22:37:26 2020] - PGM Video source: 3 on m/e 0
[Tue Nov 24 22:37:26 2020] - PVW Video source: 2 on m/e 0
[Tue Nov 24 22:37:26 2020] Starting settings update
[Tue Nov 24 22:37:26 2020] Connecting to
[Tue Nov 24 22:37:26 2020] Settings updated on ATEM Television Studio HD at

Code walkthrough

Start with the usual initial steps (explained in Examples)

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8
""" - PyATEMMax demo script.
   Part of the PyATEMMax library."""

import argparse
import sys
import time
import PyATEMMax

print(f"[{time.ctime()}] PyATEMMax demo script: change-settings")

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('ip', help='switcher IP address')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--mastervolume', help=f'master volume (dB)', type=float)
parser.add_argument('-w', '--preview', help=f'set preview video source', type=int)
parser.add_argument('-p', '--program', help=f'set program video source', type=int)
parser.add_argument('-m', '--mixeffect', help=f'select mix effect (0/1), default 0', type=int, default=0)
args = parser.parse_args()

if args.mastervolume is None and args.program is None and args.preview is None:
    print(f"[{time.ctime()}] Please specify a value to change (see help)")

print(f"[{time.ctime()}] Changing settings in {args.ip}")

if args.mastervolume is not None:
    print(f"[{time.ctime()}] - Master volume: {args.mastervolume}db")

if args.program is not None:
    print(f"[{time.ctime()}] - PGM Video source: {args.program} on m/e {args.mixeffect}")

if args.preview is not None:
    print(f"[{time.ctime()}] - PVW Video source: {args.preview} on m/e {args.mixeffect}")

switcher = PyATEMMax.ATEMMax()
count = 0

print(f"[{time.ctime()}] Starting settings update")
print(f"[{time.ctime()}] Connecting to {args.ip}")

Start working with the switcher:

First, the ATEMMax object is created the script waits for connection:

if switcher.waitForConnection(infinite=False):

Once connected, the provided values are used to change the switcher settings.

    if args.mastervolume is not None:

    if args.program is not None:
        switcher.setProgramInputVideoSource(args.mixeffect, args.program)

    if args.preview is not None:
        switcher.setPreviewInputVideoSource(args.mixeffect, args.preview)

    print(f"[{time.ctime()}] Settings updated on {switcher.atemModel} at {args.ip}")
    count += 1

If waitForConnection() returned False the script displays an error message.

    print(f"[{time.ctime()}] ERROR: no response from {args.ip}")

And finally the switcher connection is closed


Stripped down version

import PyATEMMax

switcher = PyATEMMax.ATEMMax()
if switcher.waitForConnection(infinite=False):
    switcher.setProgramInputVideoSource(0, 1)
    switcher.setPreviewInputVideoSource(0, 2)
    print("Settings updated")
    print("ERROR: no response from switcher")